Tuesday, November 13, 2007

STAR TREK: I Believe in JJ Abrams

Trust in the movie industry is something that is hard to rebuild. But I
believe in JJ Abrams.

A friend of mine recently asked me if I thought JJ Abrams could
reinvigorate the STAR TREK franchise. He seemed incredulous, but he’s
a die-hard TOS’er, and probably hasn’t believed in anyone taking
over the franchise since Roddenberry passed on.

I believe in JJ (we're on a first initial basis), because he's done
tremendous things thus far: REGARDING HENRY, FELICITY, ALIAS, LOST,
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 3 all have rose above the constraints of their
genres and have proved to be successful.

So yes, I believe. And all the interviews and leaked photos so far
seem to embody what the original series aimed for. All will be well, my
friends. Count on it.

Kirk out.

For the latest Star Trek movie news, visit our friends at www.trekmovie.com.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hello World

A change of job and location. I've got lunch breaks and no dogs to walk during them. What a great time to start the Film News Conference, a movie rumor commentary blog.